Sunday, July 26, 2009

New income model for schools and universities

Now networking is the key to everything, lets make it business and let schools organice meetings every month with the courses that graduated. It will be the chance for people that graduated that year to meet up.

Ahora networking es la llave, convirtámoslo en una forma de negocio, y creemos espacios en escuelas y universidades donde cada mes los estudiantes que se graduaron X año se puedan encontrar. Una oportunidad fantástica para volverse a ver.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

skype prime

would you like to sell cheap calls! this is you chance get in contact with skype it is called skype prime and become their distributor

Te gustaría dedicarte a vender llamadas baratitas! esta es tu oportunidad entra en contacto con skype, se llama skype prime y hazte su distribuidor.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Centro móvil de transmisión del conocimiento

Mobile know-how center to bring and share knowdlegde between companies and professionals in a fully different format, to know more about send me your email I will keep you update and as soon as the new facebook platform is ready I will keep you update.

The companies that participated and made this idea possible were;;;;; willing to receive more updates?

El centro móvil de transmisiónd e conocimiento entre empresas y profesionales , para mas info pasarme un mail y os mantengo al día para que podaís participar, tan pronto como nuestra plataforma en facebook esté preparada os añado.


CO2 gone

I know lots of people are asking me to have more info about the new patent that transforms CO2 into plastic. I'm now getting the info and will post it here.

However, as we know most great patents are bought by monopolies as it could stop them from profiting from the current Status Quo, therefore... will let you know if this is the case as well. Maybe we could do bit of community pressure in this sense.

We all want a world free of CO2 for our kids

En cuanto tenga más info de la patente que transforma el CO2 en plástico la colgaré en este blog. Intentaré también averiguar si el inversor la ha comprado para su uso o como todos los monopolios para que prevalezca el status quo. En tal caso, no estaría mal hacer de presión en este sentido.

Todos queremos un mundo libre de CO2 para nuestros hijos