Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New containers' inner structure

Crisis =is a lack of flexibility to adapt to major economic changes. The major problem affects to small-to medium companies around the world. Inventory management innovations to reduce stocks has benefited mostly multinationals.The current system only give an efficient transport service and good price to global multinationals. That explains partly our crisis.

How could the vast majority of companies around the world which are small to medium adhere to inventory management innovations and reduce their stocks without incurring into stock-out risks that could severely damage their business.

The minimun requirement of quantities by major providers and the structure of containers are some major problems.

There is a great commercial opportunity for transport companies that would offer innovative transport solutions by adding a cross structure inside the container that would divide a container into 4, leaving 4 inner spaces to place the merchandise. Therefore quoting separately those 4 spaces to those 4 different clients.

Crisis=representa una falta de flexibilidad para adaptarse a importantes cambios económicos. La crisis actual afecta con mayor dureza a la pequeña/mediana pyme en todo el mundo.

Hay una gran oportunidad para empresas de transporte que ofrezcan soluciones de tranporte innovadores, añadiendo una estructura cruz interna en el contenedor, que divida en container en 4, dejando 4 espacios interiores para la mercancia. Presupuestando posteriormente esos 4 espacios.

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