Saturday, January 10, 2009

Electric cars, no more crisis

If the income of the petrol industries could go to every person that owns a house, most of our crisis will be solved as the wealth will be widely and more evently distributed.People will start to have their own solar panels so that they won´t have to pay the electricity they are selling!!!!! an the enviromental problem partly reduced.

Si las ganancias de la industria del petroleo pudieran ir a cada persona a la que le pertenece una casa, la crisis estaría parcialmente resulta al redistribuir mejor la riqueza.La gente empezaría a tener sus propios paneles solares para no pagar la electricidad que venden! Y el problema medioambiental parcialmente reducido.

Don't wait that the multinationals offer a product before you! Are you a home owner just put a socket in a wall outside, a electricity meter and a sensor to detect if someone is using it in the street next to one window. Make it visible so that people realize that there have that service availability. Wait and see... the more people get business consciouss the earlier more people will start changing to electricity cars. Petrol stations money in your pocketttt.

No esperes a que las multinacionales ofrezcan un producto antes que tu! Eres propietario de una casa? Pon un enchufe en la pared exterior, un contador y un sensor para detectar si alguien lo usa cerca de una ventana. Hazlo visible para que las personas puedad visulizarlo. Espera... Cuanto más las personas desarrollen una mentalidad empresarial, antes pasaremos a los coches con electricidad. Y el dinero de las estaciones de servicio en tu bolsillo.

1 comment:

  1. If the income of the petrol industries could go to every person that owns a house, most of our crisis will be solved as the wealth will be widely and more evently distributed.
    People will start to have their own solar panels so that they won´t have to pay the electricity they are selling!!!!!
    Si las ganancias de la industria del petroleo pudiera ir a cada persona a la que le pertenece una casa, la crisis estaría parcialmente resulta al redistribuir mejor la riqueza.
    La gente empezaría a tener sus propios paneles solares para no pagar la electricidad que venden!
