Thursday, February 19, 2009

Motorbike's central heating system!

Development of an uniform that once the person will fit, there will be a warm air circulating between the two layers of the uniform. This air will come from a union of a ventilation system of the motor and the uniform.

Desarrollo de un uniforme que una vez la persona se lo ajusta, circula entres sus dos capas internas, un aire caliente. Este aire viene de la union entre la ventilacion del motor y el uniforme.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New containers' inner structure

Crisis =is a lack of flexibility to adapt to major economic changes. The major problem affects to small-to medium companies around the world. Inventory management innovations to reduce stocks has benefited mostly multinationals.The current system only give an efficient transport service and good price to global multinationals. That explains partly our crisis.

How could the vast majority of companies around the world which are small to medium adhere to inventory management innovations and reduce their stocks without incurring into stock-out risks that could severely damage their business.

The minimun requirement of quantities by major providers and the structure of containers are some major problems.

There is a great commercial opportunity for transport companies that would offer innovative transport solutions by adding a cross structure inside the container that would divide a container into 4, leaving 4 inner spaces to place the merchandise. Therefore quoting separately those 4 spaces to those 4 different clients.

Crisis=representa una falta de flexibilidad para adaptarse a importantes cambios económicos. La crisis actual afecta con mayor dureza a la pequeña/mediana pyme en todo el mundo.

Hay una gran oportunidad para empresas de transporte que ofrezcan soluciones de tranporte innovadores, añadiendo una estructura cruz interna en el contenedor, que divida en container en 4, dejando 4 espacios interiores para la mercancia. Presupuestando posteriormente esos 4 espacios.

No está todo el texto traducido, hay que practicar ingléssss

Monday, February 9, 2009

New business products for Cinemas

You could view the eye like a muscle that once it has an issue instead of healing it you would place a crutch forever called "glasses". If your eyes becomes forever " invalid " great! you could feed the whole opticians'shop products industrie. There is a need for jobs!

A great percentage of the short-sighted,... people could be healed.

A group work between an ophthalmologist and a film maker could create a program for the big screen to do those needed exercices.

As thereare no many business diversifications possibilities for cinemas. Cinemas' great screens could be used for this method, daily, monthly aerobics eye bono!

Podriamos imaginarnos el ojo como un musculo que una vez siente un dolor en vez de curarlo le incluimos una muleta fija " las gafas". Si tus ojos permaneces "invalidos" para siempre genial! puedes alimentar a toda la industria de los productos que se venden en las ópticas.

Hay un alto porcentaje de casos de personas con miopía, ...que pueden ser curados.

A group work between an ophthalmologist and a film maker could create a program for the big screen to do those exercices.

As thereare no many business diversifications possibilities for cinemas. Cinemas great screens could be used for this method, daily, monthly aerobics eye bono!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Euro business platform

Giving W2.0 don't look forward to position your products in a stand in an Exhibition (where your competitors trie to snap your great ideas), get Your stand right in the market, let us say in a Chinese, Indian, ... Airport. That's the method in Asia. Above all for small and expensive items that can be coordinated directly by the manufacturer and served by the current post services.

Teniendo en cuenta W2.0 no posiciones tus productos en un stand en una exhibición (donde tus competidores intentar apropiarse tus ideas), obten tu stand directamente en el market, por ejemplo en un Aereopuerto de China, India...Ese es el método en Asia. Sobretodo para pequeños y caros artículos que pueden ser gestionados directamente por el fabricante y servidos por los servicios de paquetería actuales.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Multitrip google map

There are lots of Map search websites and from one point you could get to another, and so on. What about one that you enter let's say 5 addresses that you have to visit and you could get different options the fastest itinerary, the one with less traffic, ...

Great for comercial people, small trasport companies...

Hay muchas páginas web de mapas y desde un punto geográfico puedes ir a otro,.... Estaría bien poder introducir 5 direcciones aleatorias y que nos diera diversos resultados la ruta más rápida, la de menos tráfico, menos consumo de gasolína (menos semáforos, cuestas).

Vendedores, pequeñas empresas de transporte...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bank of business ideas for universities

Each university should have a bank of ideas from the business sectors so that students when they prepare their essays, research or develop their proyects could be base on a real business need.

Once the essay is finished, the student could be granted a good grade and also present her/his work to the company. two birds one shot.

Cada universidad deberia de tener un banco de ideas provenientes de empresas privadas, de tal forma que cuando los estudiantes deciden sus temas para sus escritos, research o proyectos tienen como base una necesidad real de una empresa en concreto.

Una vez el estudio ha finalizado, al estudiante recibirá la nota del trabajo, pero también tendrá la oportunidad de presentar su trabajo a la empresa, dos pajaros de un tiro.